Welcome to the artwork of Gamini Ratnavira, renowned Master Wildlife Artist originally from Sri Lanka, residing in Southern California. Gamini has visited over 65 countries depicting rare and endangered species on canvas. His paintings reveal a deep respect for the natural world.
Enjoy visiting his windows into nature.
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Upcoming Shows:
Field Guide to the Land Mammals of Sri Lanka by Yapa & Ratnavira at the Sri Lanka Mercedes-Benz Centre of Excellence DIMO 800 No. 8--, Sirimaqvo Bandaranaike Mawath Colombo 14, Sri Lanka book signing and art show Friday March 21st at 4pm. Author Asoka Yapa and Artist Gamini Ratnavira.
Current Exhibits:
Cafe des Artistes: 103 S. Main Ave Fallbrook CA 92028 (760) 728-3350 Open Monday through Saturday 11-4. www.cafedesartistes.us
Hidden Forest Art Gallery: 1492 Via Monserate Fallbrook CA 92028 by appointment (760) 703-2927
Book Release:
Hummingbirds: A Celebration of their Beauty through Art by Gamini Ratnavira, depicting all 365 species painted by Gamini Ratnavira. 400 pages 12.75' x 9.5 on paper including 365 illustrations/species and common and Latin names and distribution. Publisher is: www.EcoUniverse.com
Hardcover $79.99 plus CA tax (7.75%) sh/h edition 1000 or Leatherbound $199.99 plus CA tax 7.75% sh/h edition of 150 for this amazing book. Edition of 150 (7 available)
Shipping in the USA is $20 Canada $65, Australia $100, Sri Lanka $105 US Dollars.
Order online: https://www.instagram.com/gaminiratnavira/shop
Order Your Limited Edition Copy HERE!

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